2010, after almost 30 years of experience in fixed employments, I started to work as a self-employed engineer. This allows me to act in an independent and flexible manner. This way, I can both offer my work in various teams and can recruit teams from my network of colleagues and partner companies to your individual needs. Since 2021, I have been offering my services through the nearly established company infraskil GmbH.
I am chemical engineer. My education was at the Karlsruhe university, today Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Since 1983, I have been busy in the field of high temperature processes. The focus is on combustion, gasification, pyrolysis and flue gas cleaning. I can handle the entire process chain, from logistics via the thermal part - incineration, gasifier, pyrolysis reactor - boiler, gas conditioning and cleaning, up to gas utilization and the tip of the stack.